Licznerski sets delicate tensions between opposing states, holding and tightening the looseness of painting until new languages emerge. He is influenced by the situational navigation of urban fabrics, censorship, the theatre of existence, and the beautiful accidents our cities subconsciously spew.
His process-driven works are unapologetically physical: made with loaded brush, body, and hand. Preoccupations with duality, trace, and the distortion of what is real and imagined are laid bare. Even if seemingly untethered, there is an air of unequivocal order from manipulation and overpainting. His layering in building the pictorial, blurs the sequencing in which they unravel.
Licznerski’s approach challenges preconceived agreements of the immediately accessible and throw-away contemporary times. He honours beauty in areas outside of his control, and redirects focus and permanence to hold intrigue and alter thought. Just as each eye will never see the same, moments can never repeat.